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Best Practices
Best Practice-1
Title of the Practice: Community Service
- To create a deeply ingrained urge to be informed about and to be involved in community issues and causes among the faculty and students.
- To foster among faculty and students spontaneous and joyous response to volunteering and social action.
- To enable them to understand and appreciate the role of social involvement as an essential ingredient of personal growth and maturity.
- To impart value-based education by undertaking a holistic and sustainable developmental approach in transforming the students which can develop responsible citizens with emotional stability who shall create value for the nation and the world around.
The Context
Education, in the present context of globalization, has come to be treated as a tradable service/commodity. The resulting cultural crisis and value decay have thrown up a new term ‘value education. The goals of education in a society, to be meaningful in the larger sense, need to be aligned with its values. The Institution takes a strong stance in being socially responsible. It actively encourages community engagement of the students and creates a positive impact on its inclusive growth. Students are made aware of the issues in the society that are challenging and are motivated to establish relationships with the society that embody and communicate high standards in it.
The Practice
Shaheedi Jor Mel is a Congregation organized every year in December at Gurdwara Fatehgarh Sahib to pay homage to the martyrdom of Baba Zorawar Singh and Baba Fateh Singh, the younger sons of the Tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh. Lakhs of devotees pay their obeisance at Fatehgarh Sahib on this historic occasion. Our students assist the District Administration to make special arrangements for devotees like parking areas, controlling the flow of traffic etc. It becomes our utmost duty and responsibility to inculcate in our students, high standards of morality, culture and character as taught by Sikh Gurus and laid down in the holy Guru Granth Sahib.
The Institution believes that the important dimension of holistic education is the possession of human values and ethics by every individual. It aims at arousing social consciousness among the youth with an overall objective of personality development through community service.
Evidence of Success (Year 2020-2021)
- Our students wholeheartedly supported the District Administration to make the required arrangements for approx 10 lakh devotees at Shaheedi Jor Mel 2020-21.
- Students assisted the old and physically disabled to pay obeisance.
- Youth Red Cross Unit organized a three-day First Aid camp from 26-28 December 2020 in association with doctors from Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Sri Amritsar (Punjab) during Shaheedi Sabha.
- Medical camps, Cancer awareness camp and emergency services were organized by NSS, Red Cross volunteers and Alumni Association.
- The college organized Langar for devotees irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, invoking a sense of unity and equality.
- The College buses were occupied in the free service of old and physically disabled pilgrims up to permissible distance.
- Department of management studies organized Guest lecture dedicated to 400th parkashpurab of Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib ji on 28-08-2020.
- Department of biotechnology organized guest lecture on “Tackling health challenges” during Covid 19 pandemic on 13-10-2020.
- Water Testing and milk adulteration camp were held in the adopted villages by Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology.
- International Webinar on “Sustainable Urban Growth and Inclusion of Weaker Section to the Development and Growth” by Geography department was organized on 07-08-2020.
- National Webinar on “Corona pandemic and the Role of Media” by Department on Journalism & Mass Communication held on 26-06-2020.
- Book review session on Ms. Sirjandeep Kaur Ubha's Book 'To Skies and Waters' was conducted by Department of English on 11-11-20. The book deals with the mental and psychological issues of the young protagonist.
- Guest Lecture on 'Zindgi zindadili ka naam hai' was organized by Department of English on 17-12-20.
- National E-workshop on Adolescent Self-enhancement was organized by Department of English on 23-24 Dec 20.This workshop was about Problems and issues of adolescents, strategies to deal with them.
- Department of English organized Guest Lecture on Anxiety Management on 06-05-21.
- International Virtual Conference on “Politics and Ethics: Universal Human Values in Sikhism” organized by Political Science department on 21-12-20.
- One-Week National Youth Empowerment Workshop on “Personality Development and Mental Well being in New Normal” was organized by Social Sciences department from 25-11-20 to 03-12-20.
- Online webinar on colour psychology was conducted by Fine Arts Department on 31-10-2020.
- Online Inter College, Inter School Sikh Revayti Pehrawa Pardarshni Competition was arranged by Fine Arts Department on 27-10-2020. The aim of the workshop was to provide Awareness regarding Sikh Revayti Pehrawa culture was the key.
- Special Lecture on the topic "How and When Girls can become Safe in India" was organized by Sociology Department on 10-03-20.
- Online Inter-College Essay Writing Competition dedicated to 400th Parkash Purb of Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib Ji organized by Hindi, Religious Studies and Sociology by 10-05-20.
- Two-day E-Workshop on Moral Value and Ethics organized by Religious Studies and Sociology departments from 8-12-20 to 9-12-20.
- Webinar dedicated to 400th Parkash Gurpurab of Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib Ji was organized by department of Religious Studies on 21-07-2020.
- Online quiz (10 level) dedicated to 400th Parkash Gurpurab of Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib Ji was conducted by department of Religious Studies 30-04-2021 to 30-05-2021.
- Gurbani Diwas was observed by Religious Studies & Mata Gujri Study Circle on 22-12-2020.
- Online special lecture on Mata Gujri Ji: Life and Personality was organized by Religious Studies & Mata Gujri Study Circle on 23-12-2020.
- Online special lecture on Baba Zorawar Singh Baba Fateh Singh: An Unique Martyrdom was organized by Religious Studies & Mata Gujri Study Circle on 24-12-2020.
- Online Power Point Presentation Competition on Evolution in Technology ,Women Security, Covid Pandemic, Effects of Technology on life, Role of Media, Causes of increasing mental stress and Migration of people to abroad was organized by Computer Science department on 10-12-20.
- Power point competition on The Farm Bill: Why farmers protest ,The World after Covid-19 was conducted by Computer Science department on 15-03-21.
- Awareness Campaign on Pet Friendly Diwali was organized by Zoology Department on 12-11-2020.
- Department of Religious Studies & Sociology participated in Blood Donation Camp at Gurdwara Dukh Niwaran Sahib, Patiala on 10-03-2021.
- Computer Science student welfare association of Computer science department distributed blankets and eatables in slums on 07-12-20.
- International Webinar "Plants and People” for Environmental Sensitization was organized by Botany department on 01-04-2021.
- Installation of the bird nests in village Panjoli was conducted by UBA on 31-07-2020. The students also planted medicinal trees near Gurdwara sahib road and inside the government school of village Panjoli.
- Training for solution of Stubble Burning by NSS in collaboration with the Punjab Pollution Control Board, India Paryavaran Foundation and NSS Department, Punjabi University, Patiala was held on 14-10-2020.
- Swachhta Pakhwada was conducted by NSS department on 07-12-2020. The activities carried out by the cadets were cleanliness drives at historical sites, cleaning of water bodies, cleaning of statues of national leaders and a mass pledge. The NCC also held awareness rallies, Nukad Nataks, lectures and seminars.
- NSS unit organized Cleanliness drive inside and outside college campus on 16-12-2020.
- Farmers Training Camp on Crop Diversification was organized by UBA on 29-01-2021. The aim of this training was to train farmers about Crop Diversification through Exotic Vegetables Production.
- Waste paper recycles was done NSS unit on 11-02-2021. 1000 new recycled notebooks that were distributed amongst the unprivileged children of the district.
- Play on water conservation by NSS unit on 7-03-2021 performed in collaboration with state awardee Nehru Yuva Kendra Fatehgarh Sahib on theme Water conservation: A precious resource.
- EK BHARAT SHRESTHA BHARAT camp was held on 22-03-2021. The camp was organized by the Punjab Haryana, Himachal Pradesh & Chandigarh Directorate (PHHP&CHD) along with the Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Andaman & Nicobar Directorate (TNP&AN).
- National Road Safety Month observed by NCC and NSS unit. The objective was to create awareness among the students about road safety and traffic rules. The NCC Cadets vowed that they will obey traffic rules sincerely.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
There are often limitations faced in generating the required resources to operate the various outreach programmes. However, a participative culture of voluntary service in the College enables the undertaking of various initiatives to ensure that we fulfill our commitment to our social service programmes.
Best Practice-2
Title of the Practice: Financial Assistance to the Needy Students
Objectives of the Practice
- To extend financial aid to the poor students especially from the rural areas, which allows us to save them from discontinuation of their studies owing to poverty.
- To extend financial support to all the deserving poor students without any discrimination of caste, creed or gender.
- To promote ‘equality among the students.
- To inculcate the values of ‘generosity’ and a ‘sense of social responsibility among the students. The expected outcome is that the students should be able to complete their degrees with good marks.
The Practice
There are many students coming from rural areas with low economic background. Their parents are unable to provide them with sustained financial support because agriculture, being a gamble with rain in the district is the main source of income for most of the families. The college provides financial assistance in the form of scholarships to the students like Meritorious students scholarships, Ex-servicemen scholarships, Single girl child Scholarship, fee concession etc. These schemes lead to the participation of the underprivileged section in gaining access to higher education.
Evidence of Success
This is to certify that the following scholarships/ freeships were sanctioned by the Institution to the eligible students for session 2020-21.
Name of the scheme | 2020-21 | |
No. of the students benefited | Amount | |
Poor Student Aid Fund | 162 | 656315 |
Old Student Association | 31 | 143156 |
Financial support in the form of fee waiver for the students who excel in cultural activities | 20 | 326366 |
Financial support in the form of fee waiver for the students who excel in sports. | 148 | 3227829 |
Scholarships to toppers in various disciplines | 364 | 1373399 |
Financial support in the form of fee concession to the poor and needy students. | 200 | 546165 |
Fee concession to Students from J & K | 02 | 18500 |
Fee concession to wards of college employees | 13 | 69915 |
Financial support provided to students by different department associations | 04 | 13549 |
Fee concession given to Old Students | 136 | 507961 |
Financial support to the poor students from NGO (Sarbat da Bhala Charitable Trust) | 26 | 205050 |
Covid concession | 158 | 543169 |
Sibling concession | 02 | 4000 |
Amritdhari scholarship | 52 | 456000 |
Special concession -approval from SGPC President | 01 | 3000 |
Total | 1319 | 8094374 |
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
Applications received for financial assistance are quite large in number.
Evidence of Success (Year 2021-2022)
- Our students wholeheartedly supported the District Administration to make the required arrangements for approx 10 lakh devotees at Shaheedi Jor Mel 2021-22.
- Students assisted the old and physically disabled to pay obeisance.
- Youth Red Cross Unit organized a three-day First Aid camp from 26-28 December 2021 in association with doctors from Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Sri Amritsar (Punjab) during Shaheedi Sabha.
- Medical camps, Cancer awareness camp and emergency services were organized by NSS, Red Cross volunteers and Alumni Association.
- The college organized Langar for devotees irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, invoking a sense of unity and equality.
- The college buses were occupied in the free service of old and physically disabled pilgrims up to permissible distance.
- Blood donation camps were organized by NSS on 07-04-2022.
- Department of botany conducted environment awareness rally on 24-03-2022.
- World Water Day is celebrated by Journalism department by organizing events, distributing messages through social media on 22-03-2022.
- Department of Sociology conducted Field Survey on Women Empowerment and Safety on 08-03-2022.
- NSS unit distributed notebooks from recycled paper on 05-02-2022. Padamshri, social worker and environmentalist Sant Baba Balbir Singh Seechewal interacted with students on this event.
- Department of Zoology organized a Science Setu Talk on Intellectual Property Rights and their relevance to Science and Society in collaboration with National Institute of Immunology on 28-10-2021.
- NCC unit celebrated vigilance awareness week from 26-10-2021 to 01-11-2021.
- IQAC organized guest lecture on mental health and wellbeing on 28-10-2021.
- Department of English conducted clean campus-green campus drive on 04-10-2021.
- PG Department of Psychology celebrated National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in September 2021.
- Department of fine arts organized poster presentation competition on theme “ Awareness on suicide prevention” on 22-09-2021.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
Applications received for financial assistance are quite large in number.
Scholarship Programs
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